Officiant: ___________, will you look to ____________, and repeat after me? I commit my life to our partnership in
marriage. I promise to comfort you, to encourage you in everything you do. I promise to be open and honest with you, and to
listen to you every day.. ____________, I love you with all my heart, and you are my best friend. Please share my life with
me, and be with me always. Answer: I will [Same vows repeated by officiant and second partner]
_________________, I promise to love, honor, and respect you for as long as we are together. I pledge ou my honesty, faith,
and trust, and promise to do everything that I can to make our lives and relationship a success.
Officiant: _____________, will you take ____________ as your partner for life? In the presence of this warm circle of friends
and family, do you pledge to love, comfort and protect him/her? Will you respect his/her ideas, values and convictions and
support him/her in times of wealth and times of need? Will you foster his/her individuality while committing to grow, love
and advance together in faith, honesty and determination? Answer: I will -- Alayna Setter,
__________________, I take you as my equal, my partner, and my [wife, husband, spouse]. I promise to be faithful, honest,
and true to you. I will support you in everything that you do, and I will stand next to you through life. I will love
you always.
I, ___________, take you, ____________, just as you are, above all others, to share my life. -- Angeline E.M.
I love you, ________________, and want to spend every day of my life with you. I promise to love and respect you, share my
life with you, and treat you as my equal and partner.
Officiant: _____________, do you come before this gathering of friends and family to proclaim your love and devotion for ____________?
Do you promise to affirm him/her, respect him/her, and care for him/her during times of joy and hardship? Do you commit yourself
to share your feelings of happiness and sadness? Do you pledge to remain faithful to him/her? Answer: I Do. [Officiant
repeats the above for the second partner.] Roger Fritts, 'For As Long As We Both Shall Live'
Officiant: Repeat after me; ______________, I give you my heart freely, and I promise to cherish, love and accept you for
as long as we live.
Officiant: _______________, Will you accept ____________ as your patner, companion, and friend? Do you agree to love him/her,
treat him/her as your equal, and always be honest, faithful, and understanding?