If you find anything posted here that should not be, if it was submitted to us in error, or you own the rights, please
by all means let us know! We get things form any and everywhere, and the goal is to create a resource that is big and useful
for all. Just let us know if we infringe and we will be glad to pull your stuff, asap. Just let us know.
Also, if you are here, you must have surfed in for a reason. If you are offended by the idea of glbt weddings, or glbta
persons, then by all means please surf on out. Hopefully you can stay and broaden your horizons... we welcome everyone, until
they infringe upon others. So please no hateful nasty stuff. There are better things that energy can be used for- plant a
tree, mentor a child, save a pet, or donate your time to some worthwhile cause. Thanks!