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A Web florist serving the GLBT Community since 1997! |

Welcome to LBG Weddings.
We cater to genderless weddings- you add your own pronouns to create
your perfect Same-Sex (Gay or Lesbian) or Heterosexual wedding. We began creating this site specifically for GLB folks,
but we'd love it if there were no discrimination of any kind, so we'll start the ball rolling here...
Just come on in and find the things you need to plan your perfect day! And please EMAIL US with your ideas, and if you have additions to the site, we'd love to have them. That means templates, worksheets,
articles, or links.. and we'll make sure you get recognition if you want it.
See Ally gear as well! Great for family and friends...
Help keep this site updated and running. Help from you allows us to spend more time and energy adding great things!
If you enjoy what you find here, take a few minutes to help us out with a donation- Every penny helps!
The Serious Stuff: You are free to use this site to help you plan your wedding. But if you try to publish
it or profit from it, we'll get upset and take action. We're just trying to help as many as we can,
so feel free to help us- send us ideas, additions, and suggestions.
Check out of new expanded
Just updated 17Dec2006
Join us for questions, answers, ideas, and more!
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In This Site
Interactive, downloadable planning worksheets, customizable to your needs.
Planning your ceremony? Find your words here... many options to chooses from, and totally customizable!
Great ideas from LBG Weddings, Sunspot Creations Design, and you! Ideas from how to keep the
budget small to a large selection of wedding themes!