Officiant: This is a moment of celebration. Let is also be a moment of dedication. The world does a good job of reminding
us how fragile we are. Individuals are fragile; relationships are fragile too. Every marriage needs the love, nurture
and support of a network of friends and family. On this wedding day I ask you not only to bee friends of ___________ or ____________
but friends of ___________ and ____________ together, friends of the relationship. In the moment of silence that follows,
I ask each of you, in your own way, to confer a silent prayer, blessing, wish or hope upon this wedding. [The officiant
pauses for a moment of silence.] Blessing: May the love you have found grow in meaning and strength until its beauty
is shown in a common devotion to all that is compassionate and life-giving. May the flow of your love help brighten the face
of the earth. May the source of all love touch and bless us and grace our lives with color and courage. - John Corrado

____________ and _____________, as a collection of words, this ceremony would count for little, were it not for the love and
commitment which you pledge to one another. By virtue of being human, there is distance between you, which is both infinite
and infinitesimal, at one and the same time. Today you have joined in a covenant bridging that distance. Always remember
that in reaching across any distance, you are faced with two choices: to circle the globe in one direction or to take one
step in the other. May you ever seek the shorter distance, for love is as difficult - and as simple - as that. - Fred
F. Kelp

_________ and ___________, may the warmth of your love melt the snows of all your barriers, and may you truly be united as
one, spiritually, emotionally and physically. Your parents, your families and your friends now recognize your commitment.
Let us pray. Most holy God, mother and father of all creation, may your blessings continue for _________ and ___________.
May you encourage and help each of them to develop into a more complete person, by becoming a more united couple. May the
loving spirit of Jesus grant them patience to mend their differences, wisdom and guidance in all their decisions. May the
spirit of Jesus grant them grace in times of disappointment, and peace that comforts them all the days of their lives. We
pray these things, believing in the power and the everlasting love of Jesus. Amen. - Michael Barlow-Sparkman
You have come together, before God, your families, and friends, to share your commitment and love. Now, as you stand
before us, know that you have support, friendship, and love around you. May your life together be happy, even through difficult
times, and may you always know that you are loved by many. May you always share laughter, truth, patience, honor, and faith,
and may you live in peace and happiness for all your days. -Anonymous
____________ and _____________, you have now affirmed before your families and friends your love and your caring for each
other. You have come from different backgrounds. You have walked different paths. You are different individuals. Your love
has transcended these differences. In the years before you may the richness of the traditions that have nurtured you enhance
and brighten your lives as you help to create and shape the future. May the challenges of your life together be met with
courage and optimism. May you learn from your failures and grow in your achievements. May life bless you with children, friends
and family in a wide network of mutual support and enjoyment. May you face pain, toil and trouble with a stout but light heart.
May you share with others the radiance of your seasons of joy and pleasure. May you always remember that laughter is the medicine
of the gods. May the spirit of love be ever a part of your lives so that the union we here celebrate this day be worthy
of continued celebration tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow. - Kenneth W. Phifer