Roses, Stephanotis, Alstroemeria, and Baby's Breath Cascade Bouquet with Boutonniere. Available
in solid or mixed boquets of: White, Red, Burgundy, Yellow, Lavender, Navy, or Pink. Stephanotis, Alstroemeria, and Baby's
Breath will be white. Includes Satin Pixie Ribbon wrap for handle, in your choice of color: white, ivory, red, pink, burgundy,
yellow, green, navy, light blue, purple, or lavender.
Roses, Stephanotis, Alstroemeria, and Baby's Breath Cascade Bouquet with Boutonniere. Available
in solid or mixed boquets of: White, Red, Burgundy, Yellow, Lavender, Purple, Navy, or Pink. Stephanotis, Alstroemeria, and
Baby's Breath will be white. Includes Satin Pixie Ribbon wrap for handle, in your choice of color: white, ivory, red, pink,
burgundy, yellow, green, navy, light blue, purople, or lavender.

Roses and Stephanotis Cascade Bouquet with Boutonniere. Available in solid or mixed boquets of:
White, Red, Burgundy, Yellow, Lavender, Navy, or Pink. Stephanotis will be white. Includes Satin Pixie Ribbon wrap for handle,
in your choice of color: white, ivory, red, pink, burgundy, yellow, green, navy, light blue, purple, or lavender.
Roses and Stephanotis Nosegay Bouquet with Boutonniere. Available in solid or mixed boquets
of: White, Red, Burgundy, Yellow, Lavender, Purple, Navy, or Pink. Stephanotis will be white. Includes Satin Pixie Ribbon
wrap for handle, in your choice of color: white, ivory, red, pink, burgundy, yellow, green, navy, light blue, purple, or lavender.

Roses Cascade Bouquet with Boutonniere. Available in solid or mixed boquets of: White, Red, Burgundy,
Yellow, Lavender, Navy, or Pink. Includes Satin Pixie Ribbon wrap for handle, in your choice of color: white, ivory, red,
pink, burgundy, yellow, green, navy, light blue, purple, or lavender.
Roses Nosegay Bouquet with Boutonniere. Available in solid or mixed boquets of: White, Red, Burgundy,
Yellow, Lavender, Purple, Navy, or Pink. Includes Satin Pixie Ribbon wrap for handle, in your choice of color: white, ivory,
red, pink, burgundy, yellow, green, navy, light blue, purple, or lavender.
Sunspot Creations Wedding Design (c) 1997