LBG Weddings: Planning and Links
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Meaning of Flowers
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Interested in being listed in our section?  Drp us an email, and tell us about yourselves, and a bit about how you met, how your wedding went, or concerns you have. (Wedding concerns will receive answers, if we can :)

Mora and Elizabeth
Our Wedding was small, but fun. We had all our family around, and saved the reception with everyone for after we got back from our trip to Hawaii. My father showed up and put up a bit of a fuss, but we had appointed a couple good friends to escort him out if he caused problems. We're so glad we did- they saved the day for us!

Bryan and Chris
We had a ceremony in Hawaii- a package deal. It was beautiful, but it was just the two of us. In retrospect, we wish we'd done something here at home, because we missed out on spending this special time with our families and friends. We think we'll have to renew our vows ina couple years, and have a huge reception this time around- so everyone can celebrate!

LBGWeddings 1997
